Prepare Your RV from the Roof to the Undercarriage This March  

Spring is almost here, and now is the perfect time to take your RV out of storage to begin preparing it for active use. Before you hit the road, make sure to perform a thorough inspection of your RV. That way, you can minimize unpleasant surprises during your trips. As you are examining your vehicle, it’s important to look for any signs of water damage that occurred during the spring rain. Checking everything from your RV undercarriage to your roof can help you detect a small problem before it turns into a big one. 

How to Check Your RV for Water Damage?  

Each seam on your RV – or anywhere a manufacturer has cut a hole in your vehicle – has the potential to leak water. It is essential to conduct an extensive examination rather than a quick walk around. Water damage can be easy to miss, as it often exists in areas that aren’t easily accessed (like your RV undercarriage). While you are inspecting your RV, here are a few things to look for: 

When Inspecting Your Interior…  

  • Feel for soft spots along your RV’s walls, RV doorsRV windows, slide outs, roof vents, and other openings. Inspect your wallpaper for any wrinkles or discoloration. 
  • Check the insides and outsides of your cabinets, paying particular attention to the top corner where the walls meet to make sure there is no discoloration. 
  • Examine your bed if you have a class C – this area tends to be more prone to leaks. Look for discoloration, soft spots, cracks, odors, or water that may accumulate underneath your mattress.  

When Inspecting Your Exterior…  

  • Check your RV roof coating and take note of any peeling, cracks, or discoloration. Look for any soft spots around your air conditioners, roof and plumbing vents, antennas, or any other openings. If you notice any exposed seams along your RV rubber roof, you may be able to seal them up before a leak occurs.   
  • Examine all of your outside storage compartments, outdoor shower, potable water fill, and water heater to ensure there is no rust, mold, or discoloration.  
  • Look for signs of delamination which can occur when water becomes trapped between your exterior fiberglass and your sidewall. Make sure there are no ripples or bubbles, and that nothing is loose or has separated.  

All-Rite Can Help Keep the Rain Out of Your RV  

Regular inspection and maintenance of your RV is crucial to keeping your vehicle leak–free. If you find that your vehicle requires roof repair, All-Rite has the parts you need to make things as good as new. We offer custom manufactured roofing, fender skirts, and other custom parts that can keep the rain out of your RV this spring.  Contact us today to learn more.